Tenwek Hospital welcomes you to volunteer at our facility as either a short-term or long term visitor serving in both medical and non-medical fields. Before making your decision, here are a few things that you need to know about our volunteer programmes:

Short-Term Volunteering
Tenwek Hospital accommodates both medical practitioner and non-medical volunteers to serve in different capacities within the facility. Through the Visiting Staff Coordinator, we communicate our needs to our partners in and outside Kenya and WMM works to coordinate service opportunities for licensed physicians, residents, dentists and some allied health professionals for trips from 2 weeks to up to one year in length.
*Additional information regarding short term missions can be found on
Hospital Schedule: Medicine
7:30 – 8:00am -Rounding in ICU/HDU
8:00 -9:00am – Teaching conference
9:00-10:30am – Interns pre-round
10:30-11:15am – In-service teaching
11:15am-1:00pm– rounding with attendings
1:00-2:00pm– Lunch
2:00-6:00pm– Casualty (ER)/Clinic
7:00- 8:00am – Rounds
8:00 -9:00am– Teaching conference
9:00 am – 6:00pm – Operation or clinic
8:00 -9:00am – Rounds
9:00-10:30am – Review admissions/critical care
10:30-11:00am– In-service teaching/review
11:00am-1:00 pm – Paediatric rounds
1:00-2:00pm– Lunch
2:00-3:00pm Interns pre-round nursery
4:00-5:00pm Rounds in nursery.
For non- medical volunteers,
we accommodate those willing to serve in social work, community health and development, adult/family ministries, children’s ministries/education, research and more. For volunteers in this category, Tenwek utilizes the Volunteers in Action (VIA) program through the World Gospel Mission. To find out more, email volunteer@wgm.org or follow the link https://www.wgm.org/short-term
Long-Term Volunteering
Long-term missions at Tenwek Hospital are directed by the World Gospel Mission (WGM) and the Samaritan’s Purse Post-Residency Program.

Post Residency Programme
Samaritan’s Purse Post Residency Programme was developed to assist newly licensed physicians, less than one year out of training, get into the mission field. The Post-Residency Programme is a two year program that helps provide logistical and financial support, while also matching post-residents to long term sending organizations as they begin to raise their own support. Tenwek hospital is a match-site for the post-residency program, with an experienced attending staff that offers excellent support and continued guidance for post-residents. The vibrant community life and social support unique to Tenwek help make the initial transition to the mission field a smooth and rich experience for individuals and families alike. For more information about the Post-Residency Programme follow the link https://www.samaritanspurse.org/medical/post-residency-program/ or email postresidencyprogram@samaritan.org

World Gospel Mission
For those looking to enter the mission field for long-term service (2+ years), Tenwek Hospital is a site for the World Gospel Mission’s “Missionary Discipleship Program”. Under the 3 year MDP program, new missionaries are supported, trained and mentored as they go through the process of fundraising, language training, and on-field service as they answer their calling to missions. For more information regarding the Missionary Discipleship Program follow the link https://www.wgm.org/long-term or email wgm@wgm.org