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Who We Are
Established in 1937 and located in Bomet County, Tenwek Hospital is the Medical Ministry of the Africa Gospel Church in collaboration with the World Gospel Mission. We are a 400 bed capacity, Level 5, Teaching and Referral Mission Hospital which serves the needs of the vast South West region of Kenya and the country at large.
Tenwek Hospital is a Christian community that seeks to exemplify Christ in all aspects of what we do and we strongly believe that We Treat but Jesus ultimately Heals! We provide compassionate and affordable health care services centered on quality and Christ mindedness.
We provide compassionate and affordable health care services
Core Values
We are competent and skilled in the medical profession
We believe in providing outstanding care to our patients
We are honest and have strong moral principles
Biblical Authority & Values
We serve our stakeholders as guided by Biblical principles of service
We choose to serve Tenwek Hospital stakeholders completely as guided by Biblical principles of service
We take responsibility for things that happen and give satisfactory reason for them
We are a single unit composed of many elements

We Treat ~ Jesus Heals
We serve our stakeholders as guided by Biblical principles of service
Tenwek Hospital World Kidney Day 5:29
Tenwek Hospital has been Nominated for Hospital of the Year 3:20
Hope for Life: Heart Surgery in Kenya 6:45
Our Partners
We appreciate every partnership opportunity and friendship cultivated through Christ our Lord!